One of the biggest aspects that Bisagno spoke about is the importance of faith. He notes that believing God is just able to do something is not faith. Faith is believing He will do it. If we pray to God seeking an answer, but hold doubt in the back of our mind, He won’t answer. There are multiple stories in the bible where God said He did not do something because no one had faith Him. If I don’t believe God will soften my unbelieving friend’s heart and use me to minister to them, then He won’t. If I don’t believe God will answer my worried prayer, He won’t. When we harbor doubt, we are questioning God’s overall sovereignty. We have to believe that God already has an answer to our prayer before we even ask it. We need to pray big because God is big. Nothing is impossible for Him.
Bisagno also discussed how we should discern God’s will in our prayers. So often, we end our prayers with “If it be thy will.” That’s like the biggest cope out we can say. Its giving God a way out because we don’t want to feel silly if the outcome isn’t what we expected. God doesn’t need a way out. Once again, we show doubt and uncertainty in God’s power to answer. Our prayers should end in “Your will be done.” This says that we have faith that God is going to answer. He has a plan, regardless of if we expect the one we get. God’s will is also spoken throughout the bible. We know that it is always God’s will that we follow His commandments, and it is always His will to save the unsaved. Anytime we pray about those things, we should praying knowing that God’s will is to be done. We don’t have to question it.
I don’t know that I have the words to accurately express the way God spoke to me yesterday. I don’t know if my words can accurately summarize the principles John talked about in the book. But what I do know is that this book shed a new light on prayer for me. God used this book to speak me through what I have been struggling with. My prayer life has been lacking because I didn’t know how to pray. I have been going at it as a to do list of requests. I have doubted God’s power to actually answer.
Prayer is quite possibly the most powerful act of ministry we can offer. I need to pray with faith. I need to go to God boldly. I need to surrender myself to Him often. I need to pray like I truly believe prayer is powerful.
Another book to add to my reading list :) Thanks for sharing!
Wow, Sarah! This is all so good and full of truth. Not long ago God began teaching me more about authoritative prayer as well. Glad you shared what you're learning!
This is exactly what I needed to read. I've been struggling in my prayer life as well. Thank you for sharing!
I love this- & I think I'm gonna have to check this book out. My friend & colleague Lauren always ends our phonecalls with a prayer- & I cannot even explain how much it always overjoys me! It always feels better to pray with a friend- to hear her praying aloud for me & talking to Him to ask Him to bless our lives always gives me chills. It's different than me praying alone, or a preacher, for some reason. The best thing we can do to help a friend is to pray- I think we forget that all too often.
Wow this is amazing! Sounds like a great book :) Thanks for sharing - you always inspire and encourage me :)
sounds like an amazing book! I am going to look for favorite books to read are on contemplative prayer..right now I am reading Interior Castles...definitley not fluff!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
Prayer is SOOOO powerful!! Why would we ever not pray, ya know? So happy for you and hope that this will be the start of a rejuvenated and intimate prayer life!
oooh i so need to pick up that book! and you are right about if we have the even the smallest doubt that God won't answer our prayer then why should He? We need to trust Him completely and fully believe in Him and answering our prayers even if it is the answer we are hoping for, what a great reminder today thank you!
Prayer is really powerful... It's something I need to do constantly throughout my day. Trust in Him! Hope you had a great weekend! xoxo A-
Love this girl, thanks for sharing:) love Katie
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