It is frustrating really, I have so much time on my hands, and yet I seem to fill it with anything and everything but Him. Especially after ending my semester feeling slightly drained, I never expected this. I expected to spend my break immersed in His truth, daily being filled and refreshed. But I sit here today, with only a week left, realizing I’ve put God on the back burner.
Why is it that we so easily push aside the One who gives us everything, for the meaningless little things. Ingratitude. Back in November, I wrote this post about how I wanted to start keeping a list of the things I am thankful for. I got a few pages deep, writing down the small things throughout my day where I saw God’s hand. But since I’ve been home, I’ve stopped. I stopped writing things down, but more so I’ve stopped noticing…or paying attention. I’ve become overwhelmed with this relaxation over break that I’ve let contentment come before God Himself. I stopped coming to Him in praise on my own time to thank Him for the ways He is blessing me daily.
As I’ve mentioned before, I am a part of The #SheReadsTruth devotional community. At the beginning of the new year we started a plan called “Fresh Start” that is meant to refresh and prepare us for the work God has planned this year. This past week I’ve fallen behind on my reading. Throughout the day it pops into my head, but I’ve brushed it off to do other things..until yesterday. Yesterday in church it finally hit me, the ways I’ve made time my idol. I was convicted of how I ignored my need for God and wrote off the ways He works in my life daily. So today I sat. I put away all of my media, closed my door and rested with Him in the silence of my room.
This is my confession, of how I’ve neglected the One deserving of all my time. It is my submission, to acknowledge my broken state in need of Him. It is my encouragement, that God gives us unlimited chances, even when we fall away from him.
Today, I am learning.
thanks for your honesty and transparency! sometimes sharing struggles is the most powerful way to encourage others and today you have encouraged me. God bless, Sarah!
bleehh i totally know what you mean!
after break i've just been moping around. and its so bad because school started and i really need to get on it! but its my last semester so i also have senioritis (is that even how you spell that)? lol
anyway, i can totally relate to you!
sometimes I need to remember more about putting God first too :)
The DayLee Journal
Oh my, how have I missed your blog?! You have such a beautiful heart! Thank you lady for your honesty! I am praying God uses your brokenness to build up HIS glory within you! Have a wonderful day sweet sister :)
what true and wonderful words, thank you for your encouragement! I love how real you are. And thanks for stopping by my blog, I love your site! new follower :)
Hi! Just stopping by from the FTF blog hop! New follower on your lovely blog, would love to have you stop by my blog sometime and follow back if you like.
Melissa @
So glad that I found your blog through Megan's at Ephesians Wife!!! And thank you so much for writing this. I have written recently about how life gets in the way and we put God on the back burner -- but you said it beautifully about how we idolize time. So true. The beautiful thing is that God's love for us is unconditional, and His patience with us is perfect. He is always waiting for us to hear His calling us back to Him when we lose focus. Can't wait to read more!!!
I love this post! So true and such an easy distraction that we let ourselves get caught up in on a daily basis!
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