Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today was a great day, not because of the tasks I performed (what's great about cleaning up a house?!), but because of my quiet time this morning. I am reading a devotional that goes through Luke and today I read chapters 3-4. I started out in a rush, just wanting to get through it, but God had other plans. You see, the passage I read talked about how Jesus was tempted. My devotional prompted me to identify temptations I am struggling with. What started out as a quick answer turned into four pages of me pouring myself out to God. I've been working through a lot lately, but for some reason I convinced myself that God didn't have to know. I was convinced that I didn't have to give these things up to him because he couldn't help. I didn't trust his power. Well in those minutes of me scribbling away on my paper, I opened up for the first time my thoughts, regrets, fears, and anxieties. Stuff I hadn't fully vocalized to anyone. Its truly funny how God works. This was stuff multiple people knew bits and pieces about. I asked for prayers of strength while I dealt with the problems, but never actually went to God myself. My quiet time was the perfect example of how God knows what he's doing and he is here to help. After working through every thought and fear I could think of, I went to God in surrendered prayer. He left me with a peace that it is going to be okay. In fact, his plan is better than okay. 

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